Get a jump start on Your College Education
It is the MISSION of the Deep East Texas College & Career Alliance that within four years, students will complete an individual learning path demonstrating commitment to self, peers and community, graduating core 42 hours toward a bachelor degree, an Institutional Award or Level I certificate to be college prepared or ready to enter the workforce.
What is Dual Credit?
- Credit is a form of concurrent enrollment that allows a high school student to take certain courses at Hill College that earn both college and high school credit.
- Courses are either face to face or online.
- Typically, students take one course each semester for their freshman and sophomore years. Two or more courses each semester may be taken the junior and senior year. Additional HS approval is needed to take more than two dual credit courses per term.
- Grades are posted on high school transcript and college transcript.
- Must earn a “C” or better to receive high school credit.
Why Dual Credit?
Get a jump start on Your College Education.
Save Time and $$$
- Tuition and fees on courses taken for dual credit are at a reduced rate.
- Reduces the time for college degree completion.
- House Bill 8: Lamar Institute of Technology will provide free dual credit education to economically disadvantaged students.
College Experience
- Take on the responsibilities of being a college student.
- Ease the transition from high school to college.
- Academically advanced students can challenge themselves.
- Credit transfers to all Texas Public Colleges & Universities.
- Many Private & Out of State Colleges also accept the credit.
- Always check with the institution you want to attend about transferability.
Access to Resources
- Access to all Lamar Institute of Technology, Stephen F. Austin State University, Kilgore College and Lamar State College Port Arthur Resources
- College Libraries
- On-Campus Events
- Student Success Center (Tutoring)

Local 4 year University
12 Semester Hours: $6,000

2 year Community College/Technical Institute
12 Semester Hours: $1,800
Who is Eligible for Dual Credit?
- Permission required from high school counselor or high school designee.
- Must meet course prerequisite and placement requirements (TSI).
Is Dual Credit the Right Choice for Me?
Parents and students should consider the following:
- Goals
- Maturity
- Responsibility
- Academic ability prior to enrolling in a dual credit program.
You might decide not to participate in dual credit if you:
- Are struggling with your other classes
- Feel overwhelmed with your current load of coursework and extracurricular activities
- Are not ready to take on college-level coursework and the responsibilities of being a college student
Remember!!! Dual credit classes become part of your permanent college transcript and impact eligibility for financial aid and scholarships!
- Federal law that ensures privacy of student educational records (begins when student starts college regardless of age).
- Higher Education Institutes cannot share grades, course schedules, test scores, etc. with parents or anyone other than the student, unless permission from the student is given.
- Students’ opportunity to gain new responsibilities and act on his/her own behalf.
Calendar & Assignments
- Dual Credit students are college students and must follow the college calendar.
- You are required to complete your college class assignments even if it is a high school holiday.
- Assignments must be completed by the assigned deadline. Professors DO NOT have to allow work after the deadline has passed.
Student Conduct
- Students are held accountable to the policies, rules, and regulations published in the LIT and SFASU college handbooks.
- Instances of academic dishonesty (e.g. cheating, plagiarism, and collusion) are taken seriously at the college level. Dual credit students are subject to the same consequences as general college students.
Dual Credit Pathways

CTE Programs
- Fire
- Plumbing
- Welding
Public Service & Safety
- AAS Degree
- Certificate
- One Year Certificate
- Two Year AAS Degree
- 3 year average 96% Placement
- 1st year average $43,603
- 10th year average $68,000+
Core 42 Curriculum
These are hours that students can take toward Core 42 in each Core Component Area
Core Component Area | College Course Number |
Communication 6 SCH | SPCH 1315 |
ENGL 1301 Rhetoric and Composition | |
Mathematics 3 SCH | MATH 1314 College Algebra MATH 1342 Intro to Prob and Stats |
Life and Physical Science 6 SCH (LIT & SFASU for other science options) | BIOL 2301 Anatomy & Physiology I/ 2101 A & P Lab |
BIOL 2302 Anatomy & Physiology I/ 2102 A & P Lab | |
Language, Philosopy & Culture 3 SCH | PHIL 1301 Intro to Philosophy |
Creative Arts 3 SCH | ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation |
American History 6 SCH | HIST 1301 US History I |
HIST 1302 US History II | |
Government / Political Science 6 SCH | GOVT 2305 Federal Government |
GOVT 2306 Texas Government | |
Social & Behavioral Science 3 SCH (Choose only 1) | SOCI 1301 Intro to Sociology PSYC 2301 General Psychology ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics |
Component Area Option 6 SCH | Elective Dependent on Degree Plan |
ENGL 1302 Research & Argument |
Dual Credit Application Process
Contact your high school counselor to complete the dual credit enrollment.
- Fall Deadline:
- Spring Deadline:
- Summer Deadline:
Student’s Score ≥ 350 – If a Student’s Degree Plan Requires:
- MATH 1314 – College Algebra
- MATH 1332 – Contemporary Mathematics
May enroll in ENGL 1301 or any college level course requiring a passing TSI reading or writing score if:
- Student’s Score ≥ 351 in Reading
- AND Writing Score ≥ 340
- AND 4 or Higher on the Essay
- Student’s Score is 351 – 390 in Reading
- AND Writing Score below 340
- AND ABE ≥ 4
- And Essay ≥ 5
Technical Courses
TSI is NOT required for technical courses.
Anatomy & Physiology I and II
A passing score on the reading portion of the TSI is required for Anatomy and Physiology I and II